
Fromagerie Casanova - GAEC di Vallecalle - Goat and Sheep

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GAEC di Vallecalle
Published on 22/02/2024 | Updated 5 months
Cheese factory GAEC di Vallecalle - Gastronomy - Corsica
Fromagerie Casanova VallecalleBrebis Corses Gaec Di Vallecalle CabriLe LaboratoireFabrication brocciuFabrication fromage frais corseFromage frais de chevre corse fromagerie gaec di vallecalle vallecalleFromage affine de chevre gaec di vallecalle vallecalle corseFromage affine de brebis gaec di vallecalle vallecalle corseTomme de brebis
GAEC di Vallecalle
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Cheese Delivered to the Villages of the Region

Casanova Cheese Shop

The Casanova Cheese Factory was established in 1980 by Pierre-Philippe and Angèle in the village of Vallecalle at the heart of Nebbiu. A family business that their children - Laetitia and Jean-Noël - have taken over for more than a decade, following in the footsteps of their grandfather who already owned goats.

It was in 2011 that Jean-Noël Casanova and Patrick Sanchez partnered up, after attending agricultural school together. They handle the breeding and production while Laetitia Casanova manages the commercial side, sales, and cheese delivery throughout the Nebbiu region and at markets including the Bastia market.

Home Delivery with a Refrigerated Truck

This has been the hallmark of the Casanova Cheese Factory for over 40 years, delivering Corsican cheese by refrigerated truck to the villages of the Nebbiu region from January to July, see below for the tour schedule.

Quality cheese with a delivery service that is useful and appreciated in the region by a loyal clientele. The herd has been expanded, and the project for a new cheese factory is nearing completion. GAEC di Vallecalle is also a member of the Cagsiu Casanu association, the cheese factory is indicated by the signs of the Route des Sens.

Corsican Sheep's Milk Yogurt

Since 2023, the cheese factory has marketed Corsican sheep's milk yogurt, available for direct sale, during tours, and at markets, sold at 1€ per pot.

Corsican Sheep's Milk Yogurt

The Cheese Factory Laboratory

Built next to the family home, the laboratory was designed to be as functional as possible, with modern machines for all stages of production (Pasteurizer, manufacturing vat, cheese table).

Sheep's milk and goat's milk are stored in different vats to work and measure them differently.

Sheep's milk is used to make sheep's tomme and sheep's milk yogurt, the brocciu is composed of 75% goat's milk and 25% sheep's milk, while the fresh cheese is mainly made from goat's milk.

The matured goat cheese is square-shaped, and the sheep cheese is round, to distinguish them.

Brocciu Production

Whey Heating for Brocciu Cheese Production Brocciu Cheese Production Cheese Molds Filling the Cheese Molds The Inverted Brocciu Takes the Shape of the Mold

The Curdled Milk

Goat's Curd for Fresh Cheese Goat's Curd for Fresh Cheese Sheep's Curd (Fattier) for Tomme Cheese Sheep's Curd (Fattier) for Tomme Cheese

Goat and Sheep Cheese

The farm has 760 Corsican goats and 200 sheep.

Corsican Sheep of Gaec Di Vallecalle Corsican Sheep of Gaec Di Vallecalle Corsican Goats of Gaec Di Vallecalle Corsican Goats of Gaec Di Vallecalle Corsican Goats of Gaec Di Vallecalle Sheepfold Goats at the Sheepfold Sheepfold Alpine Goats Kid Goat

Cheese Prices

Cheese Rates
Fresh Goat Cheese€8.50
Matured Goat Cheese€23 / kilo
Goat Brocciu€6
Sheep or Goat Tomme€26 / kilo

The Casanova Cheese Factory can thus supply you with sheep and goat cheese:

  • Goat Cheese: Fresh cheese, Corsican tomme, aged cheese, brocciu
  • Sheep Cheese: Matured cheese, Corsican tomme
Vallecalle Corsican Goat Cheese from Gaec Di Vallecalle Aged Sheep Cheese from Gaec Di Vallecalle Vallecalle Corsica Aged Corsican Cheese from Gaec Di Vallecalle Vallecalle Fresh Corsican Goat Cheese from Gaec Di Vallecalle Vallecalle Cheese Shop

Cheese Delivery: Nebbiu - Conca d'Oro - Cap - Bastia - Market

Tours and Markets from January to July
MondayOlmeta - Oletta - Poggio d'Oletta
TuesdayMurato - Rapale - Rutali
WednesdayBiguglia - Furiani - Bastia up to Montesoro
ThursdayPatrimonio - Farinole - Olmeta du Cap
FridaySaint-Florent - Market of Oletta (June to September)
SaturdayBastia Market

Direct Sales and Village Tours

The Vallecalle sheepfold is open 7 days a week for direct sales in the morning until 12:30, and in the afternoon by appointment.

The Casanova Cheese Factory mainly delivers its cheese (fresh cheese, brocciu, and matured cheese) in several micro-regions of Upper Corsica. The deliveries in refrigerated trucks take place throughout the week from January to July except on Sundays. The tours have been a tradition of the company for over 40 years. Today, it is Laetitia who drives through the roads from Nebbiu to Cap and through Conca d'Oro, in her refrigerated vehicle whose horn animates the streets of the villages each week.

To take advantage of a tour and buy cheese, do not hesitate to get in touch with Laetitia who will inform you about her passing time depending on your address and municipality.

Bastia Market

On Saturdays, Laetitia meets you at the Bastia market from January to July and at the Oletta producers' market in July and August.

In Restaurants

Several establishments source from the Casanova Cheese Factory: Le But restaurant in Murato, La Gaffe, L'Europe, and La Crique in Saint-Florent, at A forge restaurant in Oletta and at the Mercure Hotel in Biguglia, and at the U Chiurlinu grocery store in Furiani.

France 3 Corse Via Stella Report on the Cheese Factory

A report on the operation of the Casanova Cheese Factory Gaec di Vallecalle and the issues of climate change, aired on the 19/20 news on January 8, 2024, on France 3 Corse Via Stella, and with the Borgu agricultural high school, in the evening edition 19/20 on Sunday, February 11, 2024.

Sale of Corsican Lambs and Kids for Christmas and Easter

The GAEC di Vallecalle farm offers at the end of the year until spring the sale of Corsican lamb and kid for the Christmas and Easter holidays, and the rest of the year as possible. The weight of the kids varies with the seasons between 5 and 10 kg.

Address and Contacts

Phone06 21 81 06 52
EmailSend an Email to GAEC di Vallecalle
AddressLieu-dit Saint Paul, 20232 Vallecalle
Opening Time or PeriodSales all year round - Tours from January to July
Google MapSee GAEC di Vallecalle on our Map
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