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  3. Lac de Creno

Hike to Creno Lake from Soccia to Orto

5/5 - 1 reviews
Lac de Creno
Posted on 14/04/2023 | Updated 2 weeks ago
Montagne de SocciaNenupharsCochon devant le lac de CrenoForêtPierre
Lac de Creno
6.25 km - 2h00 - Altitude : 999 à 1325m - Elevation : 326m - Difficulty : 2/5
Randonnée en MontagneSite ForestierLacParcours FamilialAdapté aux chiensLac de Creno

Lake, Forest, and Mountain

Hiking trail Creno Lake orto socciaSouthern Corsica mountain hikePine forest Creno LakePig Creno Lake ortoCorsican pigPig Creno LakeCreno Lake socciaCreno Lake ortoCreno Lake pigSouthern Corsica mountainMountain ortoPines Creno LakeHiking Forest ortoHiking Creno Lake CorsicaJay Creno LakeTrailStone placed Creno LakeSoccia ForestCorsican sunsetSouthern liamoneHiking soccia Creno LakeHiking mountain socciaSoccia Cross Crena Lake

The Creno Lake, or Crena Lake, stretches over 250 meters in length and about 100 meters in width, surrounded by Laricio pines at an altitude of 1315 meters above the Izzola Dam. The access trail starts from the large iron Cross - Croce Maio - in the municipality of Soccia, with a refreshment bar and quick service restaurant, and a large dirt parking lot for everyone.

This is an ideal family walk without much difficulty, taking about 2 hours, on the eastern side of the valley, with a steady climb without variation up to the lake. The trail is marked, clear, and somewhat rocky.

Procession to the Sant'Eliseo Chapel - Orto

At 200 meters altitude above the lake is the Sant'Eliseo Chapel, for which a procession takes place every year on August 29th, passing by the lake.

Wildlife and Flora - Pigs and Water Lilies

Encounters are not uncommon on the trail leading to the lake with its spring and the Veduvellu fountain. A few chestnut trees at the beginning quickly give way to a half-dirt, half-rocky trail, along which you may encounter cows, and more likely, pigs near the lake, who move about peacefully, not hesitating to take a dip on hot days, as well as fleeting sightings of ducks and noisy, bold jays.

However, be careful not to have any food on hand in the presence of pigs.

The Legend of the Lake

Creno Lake carries with it a mysterious and gloomy belief that earned it the name of Devil's Lake, for according to legend, the Devil himself dwelled in the depths of the lake to flee Saint Martin. He was dislodged by the prayers of a pious man, causing the lake to dry up in order to drive away the evil one, before filling up again.

A legend that may have something to do with the limited light the lake receives between the mountains and the tall Laricio pines.

Carte IGN et dénivelé - Lac de Creno

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