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  2. Costa Verde
  3. Chapelle de la Scupiccia

Scupiccia Chapel in Cervione

5/5 - 1 reviews
Chapelle de la Scupiccia
Posted on 20/06/2023 | Updated 1 year ago
Vue Cervione - 13/01/2022Village Cervione - 13/01/2022Vue Ile Monte Cristo Cervione - 13/01/2022Sentier Chapelle de la Scupiccia Cervione - 13/01/2022Source Cervione - 13/01/2022Croix Cervione - 13/01/2022
Chapelle de la Scupiccia
4.49 km - 1h25 - Altitude : 349 à 751m - Elevation : 432m - Difficulty : 2/5
Randonnée en MontagneSite ForestierAdapté aux chiensChapelle de la Scupiccia

Hike from Cervione to the Scupiccia Chapel

Village Cervione - 13/01/2022
Village Cervione - 13/01/2022

Nestled on the heights of the village of Cervione in Costa Verde, this hike is a continuous ascent over a positive elevation change of 432 meters through the scrubland. Initially, you may encounter goats in their enclosure, and you might also cross paths with cows, so caution is always advised. There is little to no shade, so it is advisable to avoid times of strong sunlight, and to set out with water and good footwear.

Departure from the Heights of Cervione

To access the trail, it is recommended to park in the village center parking lot, and continue on foot from the square of the Church of St. Erasmus in Cervione to the trailhead.

Eglise A Scupiccia à Cervione, le 13/01/2022 Croix Cervione - 13/01/2022 Village Cervione - 13/01/2022 Source Cervione - 13/01/2022 Sentier Chapelle de la Scupiccia Cervione - 13/01/2022 Sentier Randonnee Cervione - 13/01/2022 Ruisseau Cervione - 13/01/2022 Corsica Cristiana Cervione - 13/01/2022 Pancarte Cervione - 13/01/2022 Vue Ile Monte Cristo Cervione - 13/01/2022

Mountain and Scrubland

Shortly after embarking on the dirt track, you will come across a fountain, as well as a cross with a sign from the "Corsica Cristiana" association explaining the Via Lucis. The rest of the trail takes place on a vehicle-accessible track before entering the scrubland through which some thin streams weave.

At the Summit, the Scupiccia Chapel

Village Cervione - 13/01/2022
Village Cervione - 13/01/2022 Village Cervione - 13/01/2022 Village Cervione - 13/01/2022
Chapelle de la Scupiccia

The climb culminates in reaching the ridge upon which the Scupiccia Chapel is built, and you are now in the commune of Sant'Andréa di Cotone. You will appreciate the panoramic view over the Mediterranean Sea.

The Madonna of Scupiccia

Legend has it that in the 16th century, a ship carrying a statue of the Virgin Mary and her altar was scuttled by pirates. The art pieces, sculpted in Florence, were originally intended for the cathedral in Cordoba, Andalusia, whose edifice is dedicated to the Virgin. Struck by the splendor of this statue, the Campulurinchi from the Cervione region decided to dedicate a sanctuary to it.

The name "the Madonna di a Scupiccia" was given to her by the clergy and the locals, in reference to the place where she was placed. Now recognized and classified by the Fine Arts, she rests in a chapel erected in the 17th century. She is still affectionately referred to as the Madonna of Scupiccia. Her feast day takes place every August 15th with a procession to the Chapel.

Sources: Corsica Cristiana

The "A Cerviuninca" Trail

For running enthusiasts, note that this hike is also used as part of the "A Cerviuninca" trail, which takes place annually in the fall. A more athletic way to discover this beautiful region.

Carte IGN et dénivelé - Chapelle de la Scupiccia

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