  1. Hiking
  2. Oriente
  3. Pont d'Alisu

Hiking to Pont d'Alisu in Zalana

5/5 - 1 reviews
Pont d'Alisu
Posted on 20/06/2023 | Updated 2 weeks ago
La BravonaLa Bravona
Pont d'Alisu
6.68 km - 2h40 - Altitude : 423 à 670m - Elevation : 437m - Difficulty : 2/5
Randonnée en MontagneSite ForestierParcours FamilialAdapté aux chiensPont d'Alisu

A hike amidst nature between mountain and forest, with the coolness of the Bravona river flowing under the Alisu bridge, marking the lowest point of the route. The finale at the Croix de Cicinelli offers you a very nice slideshow with views over the valley and mountain peaks.

Genoan Bridge of Alisu

Alisu Bridge
Zalana Trail Sign indicating Alisu Bridge Trailhead Roticcelle Stream Sign The Bravona The Bravona The Bravona The Bravona Alisu Bridge Alisu Bridge Alisu Bridge The Bravona The Bravona The Bravona Alisu Bridge The Bravona Chestnut Tree Trail Croce Unica Speranza Croce Unica Speranza Sign View of the Valley View of the Valley View of the Valley Loop Return Trail End

The Alisu bridge - Ponte d'Alisu - is a Genoan bridge built in the 16th century to allow the crossing of the Bravona river. It is partially dilapidated but still functional, and is located in the municipality of Zalana marking the Northern border with the municipality of Matra in the Oriente region.

Alisu Bridge Genoese Bridge of Alisu

Departure at the hamlet of Costarella

The path is well-maintained, marked, and starts at the hamlet of Costarella. A wooden sign and a town hall panel indicate the trail at the start of which, you should have an electric pylon on your right.

You will cross the Roticelle stream that flows towards the Bravona river a few times. The vegetation is rich with multiple plants and shrubs typical of the island (ferns, Montpelier cistus, brambles, heather), but also wild strawberries, attracting bees, bumblebees, ladybugs, and other insects. There are also some chestnut trees, oaks, and strawberry trees along the way.

The Bravona River

The Alisu bridge spans the Bravona river that flows over about ten meters. Several large rocks are stored upstream of the river which has a small beach, suitable for swimming although shallow, according to the recommendations of the place.

The Bravona The Bravona

View over the valley

Alisu Bridge

After crossing the river, the trail ascends to reach fairly quickly (about 1 km) the cross of Cicinelli along the D16 road in the municipality of Matra from where you will overlook the valley and its peaks. A sign also indicates the hiking trail which can be done in either direction.

Mountain Bravona Valley

The return

The return follows the same route as the way there, you will cross the Alisu bridge again, and gradually ascend towards Zalana until you see two paths diverging, indicated by a double-arrow. By following to the right, you will follow the same route as on the way there. By taking on the left, you will cross the Roticelle stream, and ascend to loop back and return through the upper part of the village, offering a clearer view and different sceneries.

Carte IGN et dénivelé - Pont d'Alisu

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