  1. Hiking
  2. Niolu
  3. Scala di Santa Regina

Scala di Santa Regina in Corscia

5/5 - 1 reviews
Scala di Santa Regina
Posted on 18/07/2023 | Updated 2 weeks ago
Randonnée NioluRandonnée Niolu CorseRandonnée Niolu CorsciaFleur Crocus CorsicusRandonnée Scala Di Santa Regina CorseRuisseau de Falcunaghja
Scala di Santa Regina
1.92 km - 1h00 - Altitude : 512 à 589m - Elevation : 132m - Difficulty : 2/5
Randonnée en MontagneAdapté aux chiensScala di Santa Regina

Hiking trail in the Golo Valley between mountain, river, and waterfall, Scala di Santa Regina was once the only path taken by the inhabitants of Niolu to descend into the plain. It offers a sense of freedom in an isolated nature.

Hiking trail in Niolu

Falconaghja Waterfall - Niolu - Upper Corsica

Scala di Santa Regina was once a transhumance trail and an access route that connected the plain to the Niolu villages like Corscia, Albertacce, Calasima, or Lozzi. This hike offers beautiful vistas and panoramas over a preserved nature, the Falcunaghja river, and its waterfall.

Level of the route

The proposed route ends at the waterfall and does not present any major difficulties at this level, it is a half-earth half-stone marked and clean path, which requires good shoes and attention along the route due to steep flanks at times. The starting point is at the Vignente fountain where Our Lady of Niolu is located, you can park 2 to 3 cars directly there. The belt of mountains leads to prefer an early morning departure time for this hike to benefit from good sunlight.

Our Lady of Niolu Niolu Corsica Hike Golo Valley Corscia Hike Corsica Hike Scala Di Santa Regina Niolu Hike Niolu Niolo Hike Hike in Corsica Falconaghja Waterfall Falcunaghja Waterfall Falconaghja Stream Waterfall Corsican Mountain Falconaghja Bridge Scala Di Santa Regina Niolu Hike Corscia Hike Scala Di Santa Regina Scala Di Santa Regina Hike Niolu Granite Rocks Falconaia Stream Scala Di Santa Regina Corsica Scala Di Santa Regina Scala Di Santa Regina Trail

View dominating the valley

The trail quickly gains height offering superb views of the Niolu valley, its red rocks, and snow-capped mountains when looking upstream of the Golo. The vegetation is not very developed, with however a few pines along the route. Depending on the season, you can find the crocus corsicus, a Mediterranean flower that grows in the spring in the region.

Falconaia Waterfall - Video

Fora di Strada Falconaja Waterfall

The first great satisfaction of the trail is the Falconaia (Falcunaghja) waterfall of the eponymous stream, which can be found spelled in this form: Falconaja. The waterfall is located on the right just after the viewpoint on the road that climbs to Albertacce. You hear the noise of the water rushing down the rocks, the intensity of which varies depending on the season and recent rainfall. The Falconaia stream is a tributary of the Golo, the island's largest river.

A Scala di Santa Regina in Fora di Strada

Find the Scala di Santa Regina with Paul and Karine in the show Fora di Strada from France 3 Corse Via Stella.

Former communication route

Just a century ago, when roads and cars were not yet part of the landscape, these trails winding through the mountain slopes were used by the Corsicans as the main communication route, they are still visible today due to the repeated passage of hikers. This is the case with the Scala di Santa Regina gorge, and also the trail located above the Lancone defile which connected Bastia to the villages of Nebbiu.

Carte IGN et dénivelé - Scala di Santa Regina

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