

Corscia, 126 Population  436 to 2583 meters 5899 hectares

Corscia - Corsica

To discover


Churches and Religious Monuments

San Salvadore Church

San Salvadore Church - Saint Marc Chapel

The parish church of San Salvadore - Saint Savior - is located at the top of the village in the hamlet of Costa. It bears the inscription San Salvadore on the front, and on its rear façade, a sign indicates Cappella San Marcu. It appears that the name San Salvadore refers to the shepherd Salvatore Costa, to be verified.

Saint Marc Chapel

It was in the Saint Marc Chapel - San Marcu - that the religious song "Diu vi Salvi Regina" was sung for the first time by a shepherd from Niolu, Salvatore Costa, on April 25, 1730. While being sought by the Genoese police, he is said to have composed this song in a shepherd's hut in Ceppu Foscu, 1 km from Corscia, which would become, five years later, the national anthem of Corsica.

The story has been somewhat embellished to add symbolism, as it is now known that this song was written in Italy by Francesco de Geronimo a century earlier, in 1675, himself inspired by refrains dating back to the First Crusade in the 11th century.

That said, there is no doubt that the shepherd from Corscia, along with the Niolu region where the Virgin Mary already held a special place, contributed to embedding this song in the insular spirit until it became the national anthem in 1735.

Sources: La Corse pour les Nuls by Thierry Ottaviani

Saint Pancrace Chapel

Saint Pancrace Chapel

The Saint Pancrace Chapel was built on top of a small hill in the hamlet of Pantanacce at an altitude of 855 meters, away from the village.

The sacred monument was erected on this small summit, offering a 360° panorama of the mountains and the village of Corscia to the north, and the Golo valley to the south.

Our Lady of Niolu

Notre Dame du Niolu

Our Lady of Niolu is located at the source at the beginning of the Scala di A Santa Regina trail situated on the road. The statue of the Virgin Mary and Child Jesus is nestled in the stone, like the candles placed in small rocky cavities.

Saint John the Baptist Chapel of a Nunziata

The Saint John the Baptist Chapel of a Nunziata is located in the hamlet of Nunziata, and it can easily be mistaken for houses if one does not read the signs.

Natural Heritage

Falconaia Stream and Waterfall

Falconaia Waterfall

The Falconaia waterfall - named after the eponymous stream - is located on the hiking trail of Scala di a Santa Regina.

Rushing down the rocky slopes of Niolu with a roar, the Falconaia stream is a tributary of the Golo, joining it at the bridge visible below.

Small pools - pozzi - can be observed at the base of the waterfall.

Corscia Dam - Ponte di l'Accia

The Corscia hydraulic dam is about thirty meters long with a hydroelectric plant located 300 meters above.

The Ponte di l'Accia bridge is built on the rocks bordering the Golo river; it consists of five arches.

Photos of Corscia

View of the Village and its Surroundings