  1. Hiking
  2. Nebbiu
  3. Défilé du Lancone

Hiking the Lancone Gorge at Olmeta di Tuda

5/5 - 1 reviews
Défilé du Lancone
Posted on 10/06/2023 | Updated 1 year ago
Défilé du LanconeVue BorgoPiton rocheuxEtang de BigugliaCoucher de soleil
Défilé du Lancone
12.9 km - 4h00 - Altitude : 370 à 646m - Elevation : 769m - Difficulty : 3/5
Randonnée en MontagneAdapté aux chiensDéfilé du Lancone

Monte Pinzali - At the Base of Cap Corse

Defile du lancone Lancone Defile à Olmeta di Tuda
Bevinco ValleyBevinco ValleyLancone RoadLancone Hiking TrailRockRockrLancone HikePagliaghju LanconePagliaghjuHike Borgo ViewBiguglia Pond ViewBiguglia ViewRockr lanconeBigugliaSunset bigugliaSunset etang bigugliaSunset

The Lancone defile refers to the gorges of the Bevinco that separate the Stella Massif to the south, from the Monte Pinzali to the North, the latter marking the base of the backbone of Cap Corse.

The route begins above the shops and new residences at the Col San Stefanu, then by turning right at the reservoir. The landscape is made up of rocks and sparse vegetation that intensifies towards the end of the journey. The track is made of dirt with rocky passages, perfectly passable and even used by motorized vehicles.

The difficulty is moderate and lies almost entirely in the length of the route. Allow at least 4 hours to complete the entire trek. However, it is possible to divide the route in two by leaving a car at the hills in Biguglia.

Noteworthy Points of the Trail

The panorama is unique and enjoyable throughout the trail with an unobstructed view of the Bevinco valley leading to a view of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Biguglia pond, overlooked by imposing rocky peaks. Depending on the location, you can barely hear the engines of cars going up and down the Lancone.

You can also spot from afar pagliaghji that bear witness to a pastoral life of the past, and cross small streams.

Old Muleteers' Route

This is the very trail on the south side of Monte Pinzali that the nebbiulinchi used to take to reach the city. A path traced by muleteers, perfectly visible at the Rutali junction when descending from the Col d'a Madonna di e Piane towards the Ortale. It used to allow the purchase of missing commodities such as sugar, salt, spices as well as selling products and trading.

The Route of the Lancone Defile

Known as Olmeta di Tuda, the Lancone also refers to the D62, which was the first road to connect the villages of Nebbiu to the coastline of greater Bastia, a road fraught with a sometimes dramatic history, built under difficult conditions on the mountainside and into sheer rock at the edge of a precipice.

By its nature, the Lancone defile has become a rally stage for its extreme scenery and hanging rocks, with its narrow and winding roads.

Carte IGN et dénivelé - Défilé du Lancone

Cartes générées par VisoRando.com

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