

Ota, 491 Population  0 to 1326 meters 3816 hectares

Ota - Corsica

To discover

History & Heritage

The Gulf of Porto

Gulf of Porto

A small jewel of the Isle of Beauty with stunning sunsets, the Gulf of Porto is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its fame sometimes overshadows the village of Ota to which it belongs, or leads to the misconception that Porto is a village.

Marina of Porto

Porto Marine Corsica Red Rocks - 13/10/2012Porto Marine Corsica - 13/10/2012

Porto Tower

Genoese Tower Porto in Ota, 24/08/2022
Genoese Tower Porto

The marina of Porto is characterized by a rocky point that forms a small elevated peninsula, topped by the Porto Tower.

This square-shaped Genoese tower is one of the many subjects of photographs taken at sunset, before it is illuminated by spotlights at nightfall, highlighting its features.

Genoese Tower Porto in Ota, 24/08/2022Genoese Tower Porto in Ota, 13/10/2012

Porto Beach

Porto Beach - 24/08/2022
Porto Beach

A prime destination after crossing the Calanques of Piana, Porto also offers a 300-meter stretch of beach with parking, and a marina built at the mouth of the Porto River which flows into the sea.


The Porto region offers a splendid vantage point to gently observe the sunset on the horizon.

Sunset Porto - 24/08/2022Sunset Porto - 24/08/2022Sunset Porto - 24/08/2022Sunset Ota Corsica - 24/08/2022