
E Fritelle - Artisan Bakery in Calenzana and Calvi - Corsican Biscuits

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E Fritelle
Published on 17/04/2023 | Updated 3 months
Biscuit Factory E Fritelle - Gastronomy - Corsica
Biscuiterie E Fritelle de CalviE Fritelle - Père et filsE FritelleBeignets au BrocciuFrappe Corses CalenzanaBiscuiterie E Fritelle CalenzanaBiscuits au miel
E Fritelle
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18 products available on our partner site BrindeCorse.fr

Price Range : 4,05€ 5,55€

Fritelle and Cujuelle from Calenzana, the flagship products

Rodolphe Perrin

The artisanal bakery E Fritelle is a family-run business that has been passed down from generation to generation for 40 years. It is in Calenzana, a charming village in Balagne famed for its delicious cujuelle and Corsican fritelle, that Christian, Rodolphe Perrin, and their team craft the authentic biscuits of Calenzana.

The cujuelle are dry, light, and crispy biscuits, perfect for enjoying with a coffee or to satisfy a small hunger, while the fritelle are typical Corsican doughnuts from the region.

Located at the start of the famous GR20 hiking trail, the E Fritelle store offers a range of traditional Corsican biscuits that will delight your taste buds.

E FritelleCujuelle nutellaBiscuitsBiscuiterie corse referencee guide du routard e fritelle calenzana

In partnership with the Calenzana basketry, you will find baskets of handmade E Fritelle biscuits, available for purchase directly in the store.

A Second Shop in Calvi

Rodolphe Perrin

Since 2019, E Fritelle has had an additional shop in Calvi on Rue Clémenceau. It is open for the main season from April 1st to October 31st.

You will find all the biscuits from Calenzana, including savory biscuits and brocciu doughnuts available only in store.

Biscuiterie de CalviBiscuits amandesBiscuiterie E Fritelle à CalviBiscuiterie E Fritelle à Calvi

Since the end of 2020, E Fritelle biscuits are also available online at Brin de Corse, at the top of the page.

BiscuitsBiscuitsBiscuitsBiscuitsBiscuits aux noisettesCujuelle au nutellaCujuelle au nutellaCujuelle au chocolat noirBiscuitsBeignets au brocciuBiscuitsCroquantsOlioseFondant à la ChâtaigneLe travail de la pâteBiscuits aux pépites de chocolatFrappeFrappeFabricationFabricationCujuelle au NutellaFarine de ChataigneFrappeBeignets au brocciuCujuelle CalenzanaCujuelleBiscuits aux NoisettesBeignetsBiscuiterieMigliacciFrappeFrappe corsesFabricationPhoto - Biscuiterie E Fritelle - 2014Cujuelle

Artisanal Bakery

The production chain is crafted manually without any electrical machinery. The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin and then cut with a pastry wheel; from bagging to baking, everything is done by hand.

The shop is open to the manufacturing workshop where the entire team can be seen at work.

The range of sweet biscuits is gradually expanding with:

  • Cujuelle from Calenzana
  • Frappe or Fritelle - Corsican doughnuts
  • Biscuits: hazelnut, almond, chocolate, honey, lemon, orange
  • Chestnut flour fondants
  • Canistrelli plain or with aniseed
Fritelle corses - Biscuiterie artisanale E Fritelle à Calenzana et CalviBiscuiterie artisanale E Fritelle à Calenzana et CalviBiscuiterie artisanale E Fritelle à Calenzana et CalviBiscuits au MielBiscuits Raisin Amande NoisetteBiscuits aux NoisettesBiscuits CitronBiscuits AnisCanistrelli NatureBiscuits Pépites ChocolatBiscuits Pépites ChocolatGâteau à la farine de châtaigne corse - Biscuiterie artisanale E Fritelle à Calenzana et CalviBoites à Biscuits

The range of savory biscuits for appetizers now consists of 4 flavors:

  • Savory biscuits with onions
  • Savory biscuits with olives
  • Savory biscuits with cheese
  • Savory biscuits with maquis herbs (New, released in 2022)
Biscuits apéritifs aux oignons - Biscuiterie artisanale E Fritelle à Calenzana et CalviBiscuits apéritifs aux olives - Biscuiterie artisanale E Fritelle à Calenzana et CalviBiscuits apéritifs au fromage - Biscuiterie artisanale E Fritelle à Calenzana et Calvi

Among the specialties of the bakery, the orange essence fritelle are small sweet doughnuts or the cujuelle with white wine - egg and dairy free - originating from the region. We also find the traditional plain canistrelli or those with aniseed, and these contain milk and eggs. Each biscuit is made with a different dough and specific ingredients.

E Fritelle uses high-quality raw materials such as Popolasca honey and AOP chestnut flour.

The biscuits come in a variety of flavors, catering to all tastes with biscuits flavored with lemon, almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, chocolate chips, oranges, honey, and chestnut flour, not to mention the savory biscuits with Corsican cheese, olives, or onions.

The two E Fritelle shops in Video

Boutique de CalenzanaBoutique de Calvi

Direct sales or online

From 7 AM to 6:30 PM in winter and from 6 AM to 7:30 PM in summer, the biscuit shop in Calenzana opens its doors with a wide range of products, some of which are available only in direct sales, like the chestnut flour fondants.

You will also find them in season at the second shop that opened in Calvi. E Fritelle biscuits are also available at several points of sale, in supermarkets, in gourmet groceries in Bastia, Corte, and naturally in Balagne. Products that are exported as far as Marseille at the grocery U Mio Paese.

Product catalog and prices

The family business started in 1984 with Rodolphe's father, who made frappe e Fritelle, and sold them locally. The company has since expanded significantly and continues to delight the region with its delicious products, which you can find online below.

Address and Contacts

Phone04 95 62 78 17
EmailSend an Email to E Fritelle
AddressCalenzana : Village, 20214 Calinzana
Calvi : 6 rue Georges Clémenceau
Opening Time or Period
Google MapSee E Fritelle on our Map
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Produits en ligneE Fritelle - BrindeCorse.fr, partner of Villages de Corse

Adresse : Calenzana Calvi

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