
Cheese shop in Corte GAEC A Pasturella

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GAEC A Pasturella
Published on 04/05/2023
Updated 2 months
Cheese factory GAEC A Pasturella - Gastronomy - CorsicaA Pasturella Corsican Cheese FactoryCorsican sheepfold
SheepLambxLambA Pasturella Cheese FactoryBrocciuFresh cheese

Shepherdess for 20 Years


Following a layoff in 2000, Ilda Penciolelli worked for two years at a farm-inn, where she was responsible for milking and cheese-making. Her love for the profession and attachment to animals led her to definitively choose this pastoral life, accompanied by her sister-in-law Cosima, who has been retired since 2019.

Together, they created the GAEC A Pasturella cheese factory in 2004, located at the entrance of Corte, on the cemetery road. GAEC A Pasturella cheese is listed by the Casgiu Casanu association.

Corsican Sheep Cheese

In the heart of the Cortenaise valley, at just over 400 meters of altitude, approximately 175 Corsican dairy ewes in selection roam on 63 hectares of gently rolling land. It is in this preserved natural environment of maquis and pastures that the sheep thrive.

Ilda takes care of everything, from milking (which lasts from December to July) to cheese production, with lamb births occurring in October. She produces a traditional Corsican soft cheese in the Vénaco style (casgiu venachese), pressed cheese, and brocciu.

Sales at the Sheepfold and in Local Shops

GAEC A Pasturella cheese and brocciu are available for direct purchase all year round at the Corte cheese factory, with prices displayed on the farm.

With Casgiu Casanu, GAEC A Pasturella cheeses can be found in local shops throughout the region:

  • Ajaccio - Sottu scala
  • Antoine Petit, U Mercatu - Lozari, Belgodère
  • A Campagna - Bastia, César Campinchi Street
  • Bonifacio - Roba Nostra
  • Corte, L'Andatu
  • Corte, Boucherie de la Place
  • Corte, Proxy Place Padoue
  • Corte Restaurant Place Paoli
  • Corte, La Rivière des Vins
  • Saint-Florent (U San Petrone)
  • Calvi in Balagne
  • At the Venaco fair
  • Morrachini butcher and caterer
  • In Sotta, l'Alivun at Ferracci's
  • Venaco (a cantina di Matteu)

Cheese prices - Tomme available online

Sheep cheese (December to end of June)PriceWeight
Fresh cheese8€about 600 to 700g
Aged cheese9€approx. 400g (variable)
Brocciu8€approx. 500g
Brocciu14€ per kgapprox. 1kg
Crottin6€ per piece
Tomme of 1 or 2kg, or by the slice30€ per kg
Myrtle Tomme32€ per kg

Lamb sales

October is the lambing season, which precedes the new cheese production year. To maintain a good balance in a traditional breeding, lambs are sold for Christmas and Easter celebrations. Do not hesitate to contact the sheepfold if you would like to reserve a lamb.

The climate challenge

Passionate about her profession, her sheep, and her dogs, Ilda takes care of all tasks on her farm, from breeding to production, occasionally assisted by a friend. Nevertheless, she keeps smiling, without avoiding the difficulties of the times that particularly affect small farms, where exceptional drought situations become the norm, reducing the animals' pastures, their lactation, and therefore cheese production. The lack of water and grass must be compensated by purchasing hay earlier in the year and in larger quantities, which increases costs and physical effort.

Address and Contacts : GAEC A Pasturella

06 89 62 97 98
Send an Email
Route du cimetière, 20250 Corti
All year round
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