
Corsican Restaurants: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

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Traditional Dining

Corsican traditional cuisine stands out for its simplicity and authenticity. The selected restaurants pay tribute to local products and age-old recipes.

Among the must-try specialties, Corsican charcuterie. In winter, figatellu becomes king with a unique taste. Cooked over a wood fire, it is often paired with pulenta, another winter dish made from chestnut flour.

Corsican cheese, whether sheep or goat, including the famous brocciu, is found in recipes such as cheese fritters (migliaccioli) or fiadone, a typical insular dessert based on brocciu, as well as chestnut desserts.

Restaurants Focused on Sea Delicacies

Corsica remains primarily an island in the Mediterranean, with about 1,000 km of coastline, offering seafood lovers a list of specialized restaurants with flagship products like the lobster from Cap at Centuri and Canari, or mussels from Diana pond. There is also a variety of fresh fish (sea bream, sea bass, dentex, monkfish, ...) cooked in many establishments, offering a range of flavors from the sea. Not to forget the river trout as well.

Gourmet Cuisine Revisited

The island also attracts many renowned chefs who innovate and creatively reinterpret dishes. These semi-gastronomic restaurants offer modern cuisine while drawing inspiration from Corsican roots. From traditional dishes revisited to original creations, these establishments harmoniously blend tradition and modernity.

17 Restaurant